Our Journey to being the Best Overboot for Concrete

Early Days - 1992
Our Dad, Rob, Started TREDS Rubber Footwear in a garage in Cincinnati, Ohio.
He wanted to modernize the traditional rubber galosh. All the overboots at the time were stiff, heavy, and prone to punctures and tears. He created TREDS - a superior performance overboot made in the United States.
On the Farm
We spent many years selling exclusively to local mom and pop farm stores, most of which continue to carry TREDS today.

2004 - 1st World of Concrete
By chance, our boots started to get used while pouring concrete. Users told us they lasted 6-8 times longer than yellow imports, were lighter and more flexible while moving around during the pour.
TREDS were featured at the 2004 World of Concrete`Mega Demo`. Our boots didn't even have the signature orange logo yet!

#tredsboots everywhere
Now TREDS are sold across the US, at hundreds of Concrete Construction Supply stores, as well as Farm & Hardware. We get excited when we drive by a crew wearing our humble TREDS here in Cincinnati or see them on social media.